Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Seer's Confession

A New Poem by Karen Kay Remus (c) 2017

The Seer’s Confession
By Karen Remus, ©2017

I’m seeing a seer
The seer sees a see-saw by the sea side
He also sees sea shells but
Says these are secondary in symbolic significance
To the see-saw he sees

“Superfluous sea debris!” he snorts
“See-Saws by the sea side symbolize…”
[He suddenly sneezes]
“Excuse me.  I sneeze in sea breeze,” he says
“Gesundheit.” I say

“Donkey Shoe,” he says
“So where were we?
Ah yes:  sea side see-saws
Symbolize sideways synchronicities”

“What synchronicities are these?” I say
“Those between sea horses and saw horses” he says
“I see,” I say
“I see you seize the sea scene,” He smiles

“Shore do!” I say, “I also seize the day.”
He snickers and sneezes times three
“Sneezies in threesies defeat the diseases!” Says he
“…And release three times the nasal debrisies.” I say

He says, “I think you are onto something”
I say, “I think you are on something”
He says, “You really are something”
I say, “Geeze! I’m gonna call the cheese police”

He says, “Stop.  There is no need.
I confess:  I’m a cheesy seer
And a threesie sneezer, and moreover,
Son of Susie, who sold sea shells by the sea shore.”


  1. Superb! In any other syntax, the use of so many "S's" might seem spurious, even a little surreal. However, in the subtle hands of a salient wordsmith such as yourself, there is a certain symmetry, sort of a sanguine simplicity that is quite serene, yet so stylistic..

    1. Gracias! Some might see my excess s use as supercilious, but I see it as simply super silly.
