Sunday, April 2, 2017

Exit Gum; Enter Food in Teeth

The Oral Fixations of Sean Spicer

Sean Spicer caught hilarious hell for chewing gum during White House press conferences.  Melissa McCarthy, my fellow genius, saw to that.

But now, he is catching even more hell for having food in his teeth, an image so disgusting, I can barely consider it without gagging.

Does anyone see a connection here?  I sure as hell do!  Here it is:

1) Due to bad press, Spicer was shamed out of chewing gum after lunch.
2) But because GUM had been his sole means of removing lunch residue, Spicer subsequently sported food in his teeth for all the world to see.

Get it?  It is SO OBVIOUS to even the most casually revolted observer!

And Sean, if you are unfamiliar with the device pictured above--and I am certain that it is as 
foreign to you as soap and English grammar--please leave me a comment, and I will explain.

PS:  It may look foreign, but if you try to deport it, I will come after you. 
(And when I am finished, you will have no teeth left to worry about)

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