Friday, November 13, 2020

Everything Works Out/Has a Cost

"Everything Works Out/Has a Cost"
Pen & Colored Pencil on Paper, 11" x 14"
by KK Remus (c) 2020

IT'S TRUE!  Everything works out, and everything has a cost.  These two truths hit me hard within this last year, but they changed me for the better.

The drawing above illustrates, if you will pardon the pun, that everything does indeed work out.  I began with no concept of how the finished product would look.  All I knew was that I wanted to build a composition around the two phrases, arranged in "crossword puzzle" fashion, with one shared letter between them.  I chose "R" as the common letter, but I could have chosen "S." That would have would have led to a completely different drawing, but it would have worked out!

I could give many more examples--gut-wrenching, heart-breaking, grief-inducing, potentially life-threatening examples--of how everything worked out this year, but I want to keep this short and focus on the drawing.  So, let's move on to the "cost" part of the equation...

The only real "cost" of making this peice was time. I already had the materials. I spent two to three hours per day over 4 days.  Maximum time: 12 hours. Each hour filled me with joy and freed me from distress.  

Furthermore, this time expenditure did not prevent me from doing anything "more important."  This was exactly what I needed to be doing.  If I got tired, or didn't know what to do next, I put the sketch book away, knowing that the next time I picked it up, I would know what to do. Faith and the love of art guided me.  

The benefits far outweighed any cost. The final drawing makes me happy.  I hope it makes you happy too!


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