Wednesday, May 19, 2021

A Wacky Painting for Wacky Times

"Scarborough Fair and Tentacles" (AKA "Pandemic Pandemonium")
(c) 2021 by K.K. Remus
Gouache on paper 

This is my latest painting, inspired by the need to create something wild and colorful.  It's my reaction to being cooped up in Weird Ville for too long.  It was therapeutic to create, and I also find it therapeutic to view.

This image will be featured on the cover of the magazine, Hay Happenings, a publication concerning the Scottish family of Hay.  For more information, see

Some viewers have told me about images they have spotted within this work:  a spaceman, a butterfly, a football player, sea creatures, birds...  It has also been interpreted as both an undersea and outer space landscape.  

What do you see?



  1. Oftentimes the Universe provides an answer for some of the most vexing problems. As editor of the Hay Happenings journal, my vexation was trying to choose cover art that somehow expressed the kaleidoscope of emotions and events of the last 15 months. A few weeks earlier I was blown away when I saw this amazing artwork and immediately texted "coolest painting ever" back to Karen. And then it hit me--I could have my kaleidoscope and the coolest painting ever too!

  2. Thank you so much, Tom Hay Bauer! Perhaps this design will inspire a new "tartan."
