Sunday, January 15, 2017

Andy + Elton + Al = Garrison

I can't help myself.  I'm always looking at people (NEVER forgetting faces but ALWAYS forgetting names) and thinking, "Hey, that guy or gal looks like a combination of Who's-It and What's-Her-Head!"  Sometimes, it's a combination of more than two people, in which case I will add a fake name like "Griff Grimbacher," like I did when I couldn't recall uhhh.... (gotta look him up) Russle Crowe's name.  I have since learned that people with high-functioning autism of the "Aspergers type" tend to do this (make up their own names for people)--and I also learned that I have this type of autism!

ANWAY, we also tend to ramble and think non-linearly.  This post has nothing to do with Russle Crowe, although you might wish it did, or autism. Rather, it pertains to four TOTALLY AWESOME DUDES.  No, not the Beatles, but like the Beatles, the living members of this foursome are still actively ROCKING THE WORLD.

When you combine three of these stellar dudes, the result is another stellar dude.  I refer to the equation "Andy Rooney + Elton John + Al Franken = Garrison Keillor."

"Andy + Elton + Al = Garrison"  Original Observation by Karen Kay Remus, Copyright 2017
Whattaya think?  Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh?  Weigh in, PEOPLE!  Please comment.

Do you know who these men are/were, and what they have accomplished in their incredible lives?  Do you know what wonderful stories, music, humor, and brilliant observations these SUPER DUDES have contributed to the world?  If not, you're already on the Internet, so look them up.  You'll spend the rest of the day being enlightened.


PS:  I teach middle and high school art now, so you must call me "Ms. Remus," or you will be sent to the principal's office.

PPS:  Judging from the previous P.S., you may assume that I am still a "pretend billionaire."

PPPS:  Other contenders for the equation...  Name these guys and win a prize!
Image result for lewis blackImage result for truman capote

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