Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Queen Neferwitititi [or Homage to the Whitey-Tighty]

Queen Nefer-witi-titi
Or Homage to the Whitey-Tighty
Headpiece designed and modeled
by K.K. Remus, Copyright 2014
Photo by Thomas Ganzevoort

Two classics together at last:  Queen Nefertiti and the Whitey Tighty.  

Where did all the whitey tighies go?  Out of style, that's where.  Replaced by boxer briefs.

There are still some left--on the brink of extinction--thread bare, stained, forgotten...

Wadded up in the backs of men's dressers.  Men over 40 years of age, that is. 

Ready to be used as rags.  Or art.  Or arty head rags.


  1. As a long-time supporter of the "Whitey-Tighty" I must say that I am most impressed by the amount of "support" it offers as compared to its, more fashionable, counterparts.. Especially during athletic events. As a matter of fact, there used to be a whitey-tighty type device that jocks everywhere would strap on and get all the athletic support they needed. While the name escapes me, you don't see those around anymore, either.. but they were all being used as sling-shots before they fell out of existence… I can't help but wonder what's next in evolution of men's undergarments.. and what will become of boxer briefs, when that product is unleashed on the world??

    1. Thank you so much for your comments, Long-time supporter of the "Whitey-Tighty!" It sounds as though the whitey tighty has also been a long-time supporter of you. :) I hope that I have adequately honored this under appreciated undergarment by giving it the "royal treatment," so to speak. Thanks also for informing me about the MIA status of jock straps. Perhaps I can honor this sadly endangered (if not extinct) species in a similar fashion. As always, thank you for your support!
